If you own a tree or you are responsible for the land on which a tree is growing, there is a legal Duty of Care to ensure the tree is safe (see the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 and the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984).
I provide services to anyone responsible for trees, with a broad client base that includes private homeowners, Parish Councils, Land Agents, Land Owners and Trustees.
I carry out all my own surveys and all the reports I publish are underwritten by my £5 million Professional Indemnity Insurance.
The methods used to assess the trees are based on the methodology proposed by Claus Mattheck, which is most commonly referred to in its abbreviated form ‘VTA’ (or ‘Visual Tree Assessment’). Where further investigations are required and justified, I have the equipment to carry out that work.
I adopt a common sense approach along the principles outlined in the National Tree Safety Group’s publication ‘Common sense risk management of trees’. The advice and recommendations given are practical and focused on reducing risk to an acceptable level, which will vary from one client to another.
I conclude each report with a recommendation for a defendable re-inspection period, based on the findings of the survey.
Below are some common and not so common tree conditions.