In 2003 I was lucky enough to be contracted to carry out the Tree Preservation Order review for Peterborough City Council. Although the project was not completed at the time due to budgetary constraints, it was a valuable and interesting exercise.
I don’t suppose PCC was unique in that it was administering some Orders that were invalid due to having been ‘Made’ but never ‘Confirmed’; age, missing documentation, all the trees subsequently removed, and so on. The review I carried out saw several Orders Revoked, Varied or re-made as a new Order.
Perhaps the most sobering fact for the average homeowner with trees is that even when a TPO is just Made but not Confirmed the TPO appears on the Title Deeds of a property at the Land Registry. If a proper ‘Decision not to Confirm’ has not been made, the TPO will come up in a local search and could make the difference between a good offer and a low offer; or possibly a buyer walking away.
In my opinion, there is general misunderstanding of the TPO system. There is nothing to fear! ask me for advice – always happy to help!